Module intercom_python_sdk.apis.admins.schemas
Admins API Schemas
This module contains the schema definitions provided by the Intercom API Reference [1].
These schemas provide serialization/deserialization to and from the models defined
in the apis/admins/
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# Admins API Schemas
This module contains the schema definitions provided by the Intercom API Reference [1].
These schemas provide serialization/deserialization to and from the models defined
in the `apis/admins/` module.
- [1]
# External
import marshmallow
from marshmallow import fields
# From Current API
from .models import (
# From Current Package
from ...core.schema_base import SchemaBase
class AdminAppSchema(SchemaBase):
This schema represents the app the admin belongs to.
type (str): The type of the app.
id (str): The ID of the app.
name (str): The name of the app.
region (str): The region of the app.
timezone (str): The timezone of the app.
created_at (int): The creation time of the app.
identity_verification (bool): True if the app has identity verification enabled, False otherwise.
type = fields.Str()
id = fields.Str()
name = fields.Str()
region = fields.Str()
timezone = fields.Str()
created_at = fields.Int()
identity_verification = fields.Boolean()
class AdminAvatarSchema(SchemaBase):
This schema represents an avatar of an admin user.
type (str): The type of the avatar.
image_url (str): The URL of the avatar image.
type = fields.Str(default='avatar')
image_url = fields.Str()
class TeamPriorityLevelSchema(SchemaBase):
This schema represents a priority level of a team.
primary_team_ids (List[int]): The IDs of the primary teams.
secondary_team_ids (List[int]): The IDs of the secondary teams.
primary_team_ids = fields.List(fields.Int())
secondary_team_ids = fields.List(fields.Int())
def make_team_priority_level(self, data, **kwargs):
return TeamPriorityLevel(**data)
class AdminSchema(SchemaBase):
This schema represents an admin user on Intercom.
type (str): The type of the admin user.
id (str): The ID of the admin user.
name (str): The name of the admin user.
email (str): The email of the admin user.
job_title (str): The job title of the admin user.
away_mode_enabled (bool): True if the away mode is enabled for the admin user, False otherwise.
away_mode_reassign (bool): True if the away mode reassign is enabled for the admin user, False otherwise.
has_inbox_seat (bool): True if the admin user has an inbox seat, False otherwise.
team_ids (List[int]): The IDs of the teams the admin user belongs to.
avatar (Dict): The URL of the admin user's avatar.
team_priority_level (TeamPriorityLevelSchema): The priority level of the admin user's team.
type = fields.Str()
id = fields.Str()
name = fields.Str()
email = fields.Str()
email_verified = fields.Boolean()
job_title = fields.Str()
away_mode_enabled = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True)
away_mode_reassign = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True)
has_inbox_seat = fields.Boolean()
team_ids = fields.List(fields.Int())
avatar = fields.Nested(AdminAvatarSchema)
app = fields.Nested(AdminAppSchema)
team_priority_level = fields.Nested(TeamPriorityLevelSchema)
def make_admin(self, data, **kwargs):
return Admin(**data)
class AdminListSchema(SchemaBase):
type = fields.Str()
admins = fields.List(fields.Nested(AdminSchema))
def make_admin_list(self, data, **kwargs):
return AdminList(**data)
class AdminAppSchema (*, only: types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, exclude: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), many: bool = False, context: dict | None = None, load_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), dump_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, unknown: str | None = None)
This schema represents the app the admin belongs to.
- The type of the app.
- The ID of the app.
- The name of the app.
- The region of the app.
- The timezone of the app.
- The creation time of the app.
- True if the app has identity verification enabled, False otherwise.
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class AdminAppSchema(SchemaBase): """ This schema represents the app the admin belongs to. Attributes: type (str): The type of the app. id (str): The ID of the app. name (str): The name of the app. region (str): The region of the app. timezone (str): The timezone of the app. created_at (int): The creation time of the app. identity_verification (bool): True if the app has identity verification enabled, False otherwise. """ type = fields.Str() id = fields.Str() name = fields.Str() region = fields.Str() timezone = fields.Str() created_at = fields.Int() identity_verification = fields.Boolean()
- SchemaBase
- marshmallow.schema.Schema
- marshmallow.base.SchemaABC
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var opts
Inherited members
class AdminAvatarSchema (*, only: types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, exclude: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), many: bool = False, context: dict | None = None, load_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), dump_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, unknown: str | None = None)
This schema represents an avatar of an admin user.
- The type of the avatar.
- The URL of the avatar image.
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class AdminAvatarSchema(SchemaBase): """ This schema represents an avatar of an admin user. Attributes: type (str): The type of the avatar. image_url (str): The URL of the avatar image. """ type = fields.Str(default='avatar') image_url = fields.Str()
- SchemaBase
- marshmallow.schema.Schema
- marshmallow.base.SchemaABC
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var opts
Inherited members
class AdminListSchema (*, only: types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, exclude: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), many: bool = False, context: dict | None = None, load_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), dump_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, unknown: str | None = None)
Base schema for all API schemas.
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class AdminListSchema(SchemaBase): type = fields.Str() admins = fields.List(fields.Nested(AdminSchema)) @marshmallow.post_load def make_admin_list(self, data, **kwargs): return AdminList(**data)
- SchemaBase
- marshmallow.schema.Schema
- marshmallow.base.SchemaABC
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var opts
def make_admin_list(self, data, **kwargs)
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@marshmallow.post_load def make_admin_list(self, data, **kwargs): return AdminList(**data)
Inherited members
class AdminSchema (*, only: types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, exclude: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), many: bool = False, context: dict | None = None, load_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), dump_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, unknown: str | None = None)
This schema represents an admin user on Intercom.
- The type of the admin user.
- The ID of the admin user.
- The name of the admin user.
- The email of the admin user.
- The job title of the admin user.
- True if the away mode is enabled for the admin user, False otherwise.
- True if the away mode reassign is enabled for the admin user, False otherwise.
- True if the admin user has an inbox seat, False otherwise.
- The IDs of the teams the admin user belongs to.
- The URL of the admin user's avatar.
- The priority level of the admin user's team.
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class AdminSchema(SchemaBase): """ This schema represents an admin user on Intercom. Attributes: type (str): The type of the admin user. id (str): The ID of the admin user. name (str): The name of the admin user. email (str): The email of the admin user. job_title (str): The job title of the admin user. away_mode_enabled (bool): True if the away mode is enabled for the admin user, False otherwise. away_mode_reassign (bool): True if the away mode reassign is enabled for the admin user, False otherwise. has_inbox_seat (bool): True if the admin user has an inbox seat, False otherwise. team_ids (List[int]): The IDs of the teams the admin user belongs to. avatar (Dict): The URL of the admin user's avatar. team_priority_level (TeamPriorityLevelSchema): The priority level of the admin user's team. """ type = fields.Str() id = fields.Str() name = fields.Str() email = fields.Str() email_verified = fields.Boolean() job_title = fields.Str() away_mode_enabled = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True) away_mode_reassign = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True) has_inbox_seat = fields.Boolean() team_ids = fields.List(fields.Int()) avatar = fields.Nested(AdminAvatarSchema) app = fields.Nested(AdminAppSchema) team_priority_level = fields.Nested(TeamPriorityLevelSchema) @marshmallow.post_load def make_admin(self, data, **kwargs): return Admin(**data)
- SchemaBase
- marshmallow.schema.Schema
- marshmallow.base.SchemaABC
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var opts
def make_admin(self, data, **kwargs)
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@marshmallow.post_load def make_admin(self, data, **kwargs): return Admin(**data)
Inherited members
class TeamPriorityLevelSchema (*, only: types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, exclude: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), many: bool = False, context: dict | None = None, load_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), dump_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, unknown: str | None = None)
This schema represents a priority level of a team.
- The IDs of the primary teams.
- The IDs of the secondary teams.
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class TeamPriorityLevelSchema(SchemaBase): """ This schema represents a priority level of a team. Attributes: primary_team_ids (List[int]): The IDs of the primary teams. secondary_team_ids (List[int]): The IDs of the secondary teams. """ primary_team_ids = fields.List(fields.Int()) secondary_team_ids = fields.List(fields.Int()) @marshmallow.post_load def make_team_priority_level(self, data, **kwargs): return TeamPriorityLevel(**data)
- SchemaBase
- marshmallow.schema.Schema
- marshmallow.base.SchemaABC
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var opts
def make_team_priority_level(self, data, **kwargs)
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@marshmallow.post_load def make_team_priority_level(self, data, **kwargs): return TeamPriorityLevel(**data)
Inherited members