Module intercom_python_sdk.apis.admins.models

Admins API Models


This module contains models used to interact with the Intercom Admins API [1]. These models provide object oriented interfaces for the schemas defined in apis/admins/

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# Admins API Models


This module contains models used to interact with the Intercom Admins API [1].
These models provide object oriented interfaces for the schemas defined in `apis/admins/`.

- [1]
# Built-ins
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING, List

# From Current Package
from ...core.model_base import ModelBase

# Type Check Imports - TYPE_CHECKING is assumed True by type-checkers but is False at runtime.
# We can use this to allow for type hinting without causing circular imports.
# See:
    from .api import AdminsAPI

class TeamPriorityLevel(ModelBase):
    Represents a team priority level.

        See the `TeamPriorityLevelSchema` definition in `apis/admins/` for details.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__primary_team_ids = kwargs.get('primary_team_ids')
        self.__secondary_team_ids = kwargs.get('secondary_team_ids')

    def primary_team_ids(self):
        Get the IDs of the primary teams.

            List[int]: The IDs of the primary teams.
        return self.__primary_team_ids

    def secondary_team_ids(self):
        Get the IDs of the secondary teams.

            List[int]: The IDs of the secondary teams.
        return self.__secondary_team_ids

class Admin(ModelBase):
    Represents an admin.

        See the `AdminSchema` definition in `apis/admins/` for details.

    Model-Specific Attributes:
        api_client (AdminsAPI): The API Client Instance. Injected via APIProxyInterface
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__type = kwargs.get('type', '')
        self.__id: str = kwargs.get('id', '')
        self.__name = kwargs.get('name', '')
        self.__email = kwargs.get('email', '')
        self.__job_title = kwargs.get('job_title', '')
        self.__has_inbox_seat = kwargs.get('has_inbox_seat', None)
        self.__team_ids = kwargs.get('team_ids', [])
        self.__avatar = kwargs.get('avatar', {})
        self.__team_priority_level = kwargs.get('team_priority_level', None)
        self.__away_mode_enabled = kwargs.get('away_mode_enabled', None)
        self.__away_mode_reassign = kwargs.get('away_mode_reassign', None)

    def api_client(self) -> 'AdminsAPI':
        """ Get the API Client Instance. """
        return self._api_client

    def type(self) -> str:
        Get the type of the admin.

            str: The type of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__type

    def id(self) -> str:
        Get the ID of the admin.

            str: The ID of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__id

    def name(self) -> str:
        Get the name of the admin.

            str: The name of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__name

    def email(self) -> str:
        Get the email of the admin.

            str: The email of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__email

    def job_title(self) -> str:
        Get the job title of the admin.

            str: The job title of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__job_title

    def has_inbox_seat(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
        Check if the admin has an inbox seat.

            bool: True if the admin has an inbox seat. None if unset.
        return self.__has_inbox_seat

    def team_ids(self):
        Get the IDs of the teams the admin belongs to.

            List[str]: The IDs of the teams the admin belongs to. Empty list if unset.
        return self.__team_ids

    def avatar(self) -> dict:
        Get the avatar URL of the admin.

            Dict: A dict containing the type and url of the avatar. Empty dict if unset.
                - type (str): A string with the value "avatar"
                - image_url (str): The URL of the avatar image.
        return self.__avatar

    def team_priority_level(self) -> Union[TeamPriorityLevel, None]:
        Get the team priority level of the admin.

            TeamPriorityLevel: The team priority level of the admin. None if unset.
            See `TeamPriorityLevel` in `apis/admins/` for details.
        return self.__team_priority_level

    def away_mode_enabled(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
        Check if the admin's away mode is enabled.

            bool: True if the admin's away mode is enabled. None if unset.
        return self.__away_mode_enabled

    def away_mode_reassign(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
        Check if the admin's away mode reassign is enabled.

            bool: True if the admin's away mode reassign is enabled. None if unset.

    # Property Setters

    def api_client(self, api_client: 'AdminsAPI'):
        self._api_client = api_client

    def away_mode_enabled(self, value):
        Set the admin's away mode to enabled or disabled.

            value (bool): The value indicating whether the admin's away mode should be enabled or disabled.
        self.__away_mode_enabled = value

    def away_mode_reassign(self, value):
        Set the admin's away mode reassign to enabled or disabled.

            value (bool): The value indicating whether the admin's away mode reassign should be enabled or disabled.
        self.__away_mode_reassign = value

    # Methods

    def set_away(self, enabled: bool = True):
        Set the admin's away mode.

        Reassignment setting kept as its current value. If it cannot be obtained, it will default to True.

            enabled (bool, optional): Whether the admin's away mode should be enabled or disabled. Defaults to True.
        reassign = self.away_mode_reassign or True
        self.api_client.set_away_by_id(, away=enabled, reassign=reassign)

    def set_active(self):
        """ Alias for set_away(enabled=False) """

    def set_reassign(self, enabled: bool = True):
        Set the admin's away mode reassign.

        Away enabled setting kept as its current value. If it cannot be obtained, it will default to True.

            enabled (bool, optional): Whether the admin's away mode reassign should be enabled or disabled.
                Defaults to True.
        enabled = self.away_mode_enabled or True
        self.api_client.set_away_by_id(, away=enabled, reassign=enabled)

class AdminList(ModelBase):
    Represents a list of admins.

        See the `AdminListSchema` definition in `apis/admins/` for details.

    Model-Specific Attributes:
        api_client (AdminsAPI): The API Client Instance. Injected via APIProxyInterface
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__admins: List[Admin] = kwargs.get('admins', [])
        self.__type: str = kwargs.get('type', '')

    def admins(self) -> List[Admin]:
        Get the admins.

            List[Admin]: The admins.
        return self.__admins

    def type(self) -> str:
        Get the type of the admin list.

            str: The type of the admin list.
        return self.__type

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.admins)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.admins)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.admins[index]


class Admin (*args, **kwargs)

Represents an admin.


See the AdminSchema definition in apis/admins/ for details. Model-Specific Attributes: api_client (AdminsAPI): The API Client Instance. Injected via APIProxyInterface

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class Admin(ModelBase):
    Represents an admin.

        See the `AdminSchema` definition in `apis/admins/` for details.

    Model-Specific Attributes:
        api_client (AdminsAPI): The API Client Instance. Injected via APIProxyInterface
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__type = kwargs.get('type', '')
        self.__id: str = kwargs.get('id', '')
        self.__name = kwargs.get('name', '')
        self.__email = kwargs.get('email', '')
        self.__job_title = kwargs.get('job_title', '')
        self.__has_inbox_seat = kwargs.get('has_inbox_seat', None)
        self.__team_ids = kwargs.get('team_ids', [])
        self.__avatar = kwargs.get('avatar', {})
        self.__team_priority_level = kwargs.get('team_priority_level', None)
        self.__away_mode_enabled = kwargs.get('away_mode_enabled', None)
        self.__away_mode_reassign = kwargs.get('away_mode_reassign', None)

    def api_client(self) -> 'AdminsAPI':
        """ Get the API Client Instance. """
        return self._api_client

    def type(self) -> str:
        Get the type of the admin.

            str: The type of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__type

    def id(self) -> str:
        Get the ID of the admin.

            str: The ID of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__id

    def name(self) -> str:
        Get the name of the admin.

            str: The name of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__name

    def email(self) -> str:
        Get the email of the admin.

            str: The email of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__email

    def job_title(self) -> str:
        Get the job title of the admin.

            str: The job title of the admin. Empty if unset.
        return self.__job_title

    def has_inbox_seat(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
        Check if the admin has an inbox seat.

            bool: True if the admin has an inbox seat. None if unset.
        return self.__has_inbox_seat

    def team_ids(self):
        Get the IDs of the teams the admin belongs to.

            List[str]: The IDs of the teams the admin belongs to. Empty list if unset.
        return self.__team_ids

    def avatar(self) -> dict:
        Get the avatar URL of the admin.

            Dict: A dict containing the type and url of the avatar. Empty dict if unset.
                - type (str): A string with the value "avatar"
                - image_url (str): The URL of the avatar image.
        return self.__avatar

    def team_priority_level(self) -> Union[TeamPriorityLevel, None]:
        Get the team priority level of the admin.

            TeamPriorityLevel: The team priority level of the admin. None if unset.
            See `TeamPriorityLevel` in `apis/admins/` for details.
        return self.__team_priority_level

    def away_mode_enabled(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
        Check if the admin's away mode is enabled.

            bool: True if the admin's away mode is enabled. None if unset.
        return self.__away_mode_enabled

    def away_mode_reassign(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
        Check if the admin's away mode reassign is enabled.

            bool: True if the admin's away mode reassign is enabled. None if unset.

    # Property Setters

    def api_client(self, api_client: 'AdminsAPI'):
        self._api_client = api_client

    def away_mode_enabled(self, value):
        Set the admin's away mode to enabled or disabled.

            value (bool): The value indicating whether the admin's away mode should be enabled or disabled.
        self.__away_mode_enabled = value

    def away_mode_reassign(self, value):
        Set the admin's away mode reassign to enabled or disabled.

            value (bool): The value indicating whether the admin's away mode reassign should be enabled or disabled.
        self.__away_mode_reassign = value

    # Methods

    def set_away(self, enabled: bool = True):
        Set the admin's away mode.

        Reassignment setting kept as its current value. If it cannot be obtained, it will default to True.

            enabled (bool, optional): Whether the admin's away mode should be enabled or disabled. Defaults to True.
        reassign = self.away_mode_reassign or True
        self.api_client.set_away_by_id(, away=enabled, reassign=reassign)

    def set_active(self):
        """ Alias for set_away(enabled=False) """

    def set_reassign(self, enabled: bool = True):
        Set the admin's away mode reassign.

        Away enabled setting kept as its current value. If it cannot be obtained, it will default to True.

            enabled (bool, optional): Whether the admin's away mode reassign should be enabled or disabled.
                Defaults to True.
        enabled = self.away_mode_enabled or True
        self.api_client.set_away_by_id(, away=enabled, reassign=enabled)


Instance variables

var api_client : AdminsAPI

Get the API Client Instance.

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def api_client(self) -> 'AdminsAPI':
    """ Get the API Client Instance. """
    return self._api_client
var avatar : dict

Get the avatar URL of the admin.


A dict containing the type and url of the avatar. Empty dict if unset. - type (str): A string with the value "avatar" - image_url (str): The URL of the avatar image.
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def avatar(self) -> dict:
    Get the avatar URL of the admin.

        Dict: A dict containing the type and url of the avatar. Empty dict if unset.
            - type (str): A string with the value "avatar"
            - image_url (str): The URL of the avatar image.
    return self.__avatar
var away_mode_enabled : Optional[bool]

Check if the admin's away mode is enabled.


True if the admin's away mode is enabled. None if unset.
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def away_mode_enabled(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
    Check if the admin's away mode is enabled.

        bool: True if the admin's away mode is enabled. None if unset.
    return self.__away_mode_enabled
var away_mode_reassign : Optional[bool]

Check if the admin's away mode reassign is enabled.


True if the admin's away mode reassign is enabled. None if unset.
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def away_mode_reassign(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
    Check if the admin's away mode reassign is enabled.

        bool: True if the admin's away mode reassign is enabled. None if unset.
var email : str

Get the email of the admin.


The email of the admin. Empty if unset.
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def email(self) -> str:
    Get the email of the admin.

        str: The email of the admin. Empty if unset.
    return self.__email
var has_inbox_seat : Optional[bool]

Check if the admin has an inbox seat.


True if the admin has an inbox seat. None if unset.
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def has_inbox_seat(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
    Check if the admin has an inbox seat.

        bool: True if the admin has an inbox seat. None if unset.
    return self.__has_inbox_seat
var id : str

Get the ID of the admin.


The ID of the admin. Empty if unset.
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def id(self) -> str:
    Get the ID of the admin.

        str: The ID of the admin. Empty if unset.
    return self.__id
var job_title : str

Get the job title of the admin.


The job title of the admin. Empty if unset.
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def job_title(self) -> str:
    Get the job title of the admin.

        str: The job title of the admin. Empty if unset.
    return self.__job_title
var name : str

Get the name of the admin.


The name of the admin. Empty if unset.
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def name(self) -> str:
    Get the name of the admin.

        str: The name of the admin. Empty if unset.
    return self.__name
var team_ids

Get the IDs of the teams the admin belongs to.


The IDs of the teams the admin belongs to. Empty list if unset.
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def team_ids(self):
    Get the IDs of the teams the admin belongs to.

        List[str]: The IDs of the teams the admin belongs to. Empty list if unset.
    return self.__team_ids
var team_priority_level : Optional[TeamPriorityLevel]

Get the team priority level of the admin.


The team priority level of the admin. None if unset.

See TeamPriorityLevel in apis/admins/ for details.

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def team_priority_level(self) -> Union[TeamPriorityLevel, None]:
    Get the team priority level of the admin.

        TeamPriorityLevel: The team priority level of the admin. None if unset.
        See `TeamPriorityLevel` in `apis/admins/` for details.
    return self.__team_priority_level
var type : str

Get the type of the admin.


The type of the admin. Empty if unset.
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def type(self) -> str:
    Get the type of the admin.

        str: The type of the admin. Empty if unset.
    return self.__type


def set_active(self)

Alias for set_away(enabled=False)

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def set_active(self):
    """ Alias for set_away(enabled=False) """
def set_away(self, enabled: bool = True)

Set the admin's away mode.

Reassignment setting kept as its current value. If it cannot be obtained, it will default to True.


enabled : bool, optional
Whether the admin's away mode should be enabled or disabled. Defaults to True.
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def set_away(self, enabled: bool = True):
    Set the admin's away mode.

    Reassignment setting kept as its current value. If it cannot be obtained, it will default to True.

        enabled (bool, optional): Whether the admin's away mode should be enabled or disabled. Defaults to True.
    reassign = self.away_mode_reassign or True
    self.api_client.set_away_by_id(, away=enabled, reassign=reassign)
def set_reassign(self, enabled: bool = True)

Set the admin's away mode reassign.

Away enabled setting kept as its current value. If it cannot be obtained, it will default to True.


enabled : bool, optional
Whether the admin's away mode reassign should be enabled or disabled. Defaults to True.
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def set_reassign(self, enabled: bool = True):
    Set the admin's away mode reassign.

    Away enabled setting kept as its current value. If it cannot be obtained, it will default to True.

        enabled (bool, optional): Whether the admin's away mode reassign should be enabled or disabled.
            Defaults to True.
    enabled = self.away_mode_enabled or True
    self.api_client.set_away_by_id(, away=enabled, reassign=enabled)
class AdminList (*args, **kwargs)

Represents a list of admins.


See the AdminListSchema definition in apis/admins/ for details. Model-Specific Attributes: api_client (AdminsAPI): The API Client Instance. Injected via APIProxyInterface

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class AdminList(ModelBase):
    Represents a list of admins.

        See the `AdminListSchema` definition in `apis/admins/` for details.

    Model-Specific Attributes:
        api_client (AdminsAPI): The API Client Instance. Injected via APIProxyInterface
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__admins: List[Admin] = kwargs.get('admins', [])
        self.__type: str = kwargs.get('type', '')

    def admins(self) -> List[Admin]:
        Get the admins.

            List[Admin]: The admins.
        return self.__admins

    def type(self) -> str:
        Get the type of the admin list.

            str: The type of the admin list.
        return self.__type

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.admins)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.admins)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.admins[index]


Instance variables

var admins : List[Admin]

Get the admins.


The admins.
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def admins(self) -> List[Admin]:
    Get the admins.

        List[Admin]: The admins.
    return self.__admins
var type : str

Get the type of the admin list.


The type of the admin list.
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def type(self) -> str:
    Get the type of the admin list.

        str: The type of the admin list.
    return self.__type
class TeamPriorityLevel (*args, **kwargs)

Represents a team priority level.


See the TeamPriorityLevelSchema definition in apis/admins/ for details.

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class TeamPriorityLevel(ModelBase):
    Represents a team priority level.

        See the `TeamPriorityLevelSchema` definition in `apis/admins/` for details.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__primary_team_ids = kwargs.get('primary_team_ids')
        self.__secondary_team_ids = kwargs.get('secondary_team_ids')

    def primary_team_ids(self):
        Get the IDs of the primary teams.

            List[int]: The IDs of the primary teams.
        return self.__primary_team_ids

    def secondary_team_ids(self):
        Get the IDs of the secondary teams.

            List[int]: The IDs of the secondary teams.
        return self.__secondary_team_ids


Instance variables

var primary_team_ids

Get the IDs of the primary teams.


The IDs of the primary teams.
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def primary_team_ids(self):
    Get the IDs of the primary teams.

        List[int]: The IDs of the primary teams.
    return self.__primary_team_ids
var secondary_team_ids

Get the IDs of the secondary teams.


The IDs of the secondary teams.
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def secondary_team_ids(self):
    Get the IDs of the secondary teams.

        List[int]: The IDs of the secondary teams.
    return self.__secondary_team_ids